VIRGIN VOYAGE A Guide for First Time Trippers
So you´ve been convinced that LSD is something you´d like to try? If you´re going to do it, we want to make sure that your first experience is a good one. Read through here for some vital information.
AM I SANE ENOUGH TO TRIP? If any of the following apply to you, I do NOT recommend trying acid (for the safety of yourself and others)
- You are taking anti-depressant drugs such as vallium, prozac, ridilin, or any other type of medication (mostly MAOI type drugs). Emotional/Mental traumas can easily resurface during your trip, and this can turn out to be a bad thing - You are currently in a state of mental distress (emotional stress, suicidal tendencies, severe depression or anxiety) Please, LSD will only make those states worse. Dont harm yourself while tripping. - You have heart conditions or high blood pressure. LSD can increase perspiration and cause high blood pressure. - You will have to drive within the next 8 to 12 hours. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE ON LSD! Its worse than drunk driving! Please, make things safe and take precautions. Dont trip & drive! - You have plans for the next day. LSD will take 12 hours to wear off. If something important is happening, it will be equivlant to doing it drunk. Make sure that you have plenty of freetime. - You are alone. Make sure you have a trip sitter. Dont take a lot of acid unless someone is going to be present to control you. Trip alone only after experience with the drug.
FIRST TRIP CHECKLIST Here is what should be done, in this order, to prepare for your trip
1. OBTAIN THE LSD & HIRE A TRIP SITTER Now you have to find some LSD and someone to trip sit you through the first time. You can either buy LSD from a dealer, or make it at home (I prefer making it. Its cheaper and I know that its clean). When hiring a trip sitter, its best to get someone who has done LSD before. They know what its like and will be able to be more helpful your first time (they will also know some cool stuff to make your trip interesting). If they haven´t done it before, make sure they´re OK with the idea of you doing acid. Then give them the list at the bottom of the page as guidelines.
2. GET SOME ORANGE JUICE Check to make sure you have a citrus drink that has 100% of Vitamin C in it. Tang and Sunny Delight are the best. If you don´t like oranges, find another drink like grapefruit juice. The main reason is that Vitamin C is good for the brain. It will make the trip you have last longer and be smoother, and the comming down part of the trip will be lighter and easy to deal with. Its also known to help prevent the acid from doing anything after youve finished the trip
3. FIND A SETTING Where & when you trip will determine the best place. Parties are normally ideal for this, mainly because you wont be restricted as much during the trip and its a friendly enviroment normally, so it should be good. Just make sure you plan on staying over night (depending what time of the day it is). Night time is best, mainly because sleep chemicals are more active and make the visuals more clear. Day trips are fun, but day light annoys the eyes, for they are sensitive to light more under the influence of LSD.
4. GET SOME TOYS Glowsticks, videos, chew toys, puzzle games, and anything else you find in that junk drawer are good to have. These will keep you interested during your trip and let you experience these activities in your changed mental state. See the Trip Toys section for some stuff to use.
5. ENJOY THE TRIP & KEEP IT SAFE! Make sure your trip sitter has read the rules to keep you in line. Remember, the key to a good trip is a good mindset. The safer you can make it for everyone else, the safer and more enjoyable you can make it for yourself.
RULES FOR TRIP SITTERS Also, the person tripping may want to add a few rules of their own (house rules, stuff they want to avoid, etc.) Make sure you print these out and have them handy. I know what youre thinking. After reading what bad stuff could happen, it seems like a not-so-good activity to do. But just the same way airlines show you how to assume the crash position, it is rare. Respect this drug and be prepared to take precautions. Trip safely!
1. NO ONE KNOWS THEY ARE TRIPPIN´ TILL THEY TELL SOMEONE! Until they spill the beans and say something like, "Yeah man! Im trippin´ man!", no one will know if they´re on anything (unless they start acting like they are). If someone enters who the tripper does not want to tell, make SURE that they are kept out of site at all times and you make some excuse for another if they behave strangely.
2. NEVER LET THEM DRIVE! Driving on acid is worse than being drunk! If they have to go somewhere, put them in the front seat and make sure their seat belt is on. YOU do the driving, not the user!
3. IF THEY SAY SOMETHING FRIGHTENS THEM OR SOMETHING, STOP DOING IT! If may be funny to the sober onlooker to see an acid laced human freak out at the sight of your fake gun, but its no party for the tripper. Remember that emotions are higher and that it is hard to control their perception of reality. If something is going on that makes them feel uncomfortable or frightened, do what it takes to make it better. Do this buy breaking their concentration of the activity by talking to them, stop the activity, or move them to a place they feel confortable in. If they say to stop something, they mean it.
4. IF THEY START TO BECOME PSYCHOTIC OR EMOTIONALLY IRRAITIONAL! Tell them face to face "<their name>, listen to me! None of this is real. You are safe because I am here. This is all a result of the drug and it will pass!" If they are on a hard trip to the state of psychosis (where even telling them they are on on drugs, they will not believe you), make sure that you keep the person as calm as possible.
5. IF THEY ASKED TO BE TAKEN TO A HOSPITAL Use this as a last resort. Follow rule number 4 first. Move them to a confortable place and make the enviroment less hostile by any means. If they are in need of medical attention but are unaware of it, do NOT tell them you are taking them! Hospitals are naturally frightening enviroments to most people, and it will be hard for them. If they do need to be taken to a hospital, they cannot be arrested, but be aware that insurance does not cover drug induced patients. You will be charged. (Make sure they are not allergic to Thorazine, which is given to counteract the effects of acid)
Please keep all those rules in mind. Have a good voyage! |